How to Check if a Trademark Is Already Registered
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How to Check if a Trademark is already registered? Trademark owners don't want their mark to be used in the same way as another business, The process of trademark registration is lengthy, and it is wise to start the search process as soon as possible. First, check the name of the trademark. For example, the name Delta applies to a faucet, while Delta airlines is used for airline tickets.
A similar design mark could be registered by someone else for a different service or product. You can check if a brand is already registered based on its name, or search by its design code. Next, you need to search the trademark database of the federal government. TESS makes it simple to use a trademark database to search for trademarks that are similar or identical to yours.
If your trademark is already registered, someone else could register the same name as yours. Once you have a name for your business, you can use the USPTO's search engine to search for any trademarks that are identical to yours. as it may already be in use by someone else. To get an accurate result, try using the USPTO's Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS).
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